Paradise in suburbia was a feature project for the magazine and website that I photographed and filmed both on and off the water to get at how this beautiful out of the way and virtually unknown park was sustaining meaning for those who visited regularly. The project to develop this park started as a joke in a developmental planning meeting and took 10 years to reach fruition. In the end the project was a multi-parter initiative between the City of Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland, the Environmental Protection Agency, the local Kiwanis club, The Monarch Alliance, Antietam-Conococheague Watershed Alliance (ACWA)., and the Washington County Historical Society. It afforded both an opportunity to experience the shy woodland creatures in the adjoining 10 acre tract and well as people coming to get connected to nature. I was selected to do this special project for Kiwanis because they needed someone who could locate and photograph local wildlife, get in and on the creek that flows through the park, and engage visitors and photograph them. See the web version of this Feature Project at Kiwanis's website